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Commercial Product Photography

Updated: Sep 16, 2022

Why Professional Product Photography Is Essential For Your Brand?

For many brands thats offer products for customers, quality photography is one of the most important factors that define the success of the product marketing. The power of an image is undoubtedly, especially for online advertising. Showcasing high-quality product photography images on your social media or websites pages increases the chance of high sales. Consumers will always be drawn to an image before they read text on the page. This means it's importance to make sure your product photo are eye-pleasing and have great quality.

Here's why you should incorporate professional product photography into your own brand:

The Quality of Product Photo Reflect Your Brand Images

Product Photography provide your customers with a clear image of what they will expect to receive. A high-quality image implies that your product is high quality, it creates a good impression of your brand. So that its convinces your customer that your brand does care for their needs and wants,

Photos are the Key Makes Consumer Decided to Buy

Images have a special capability to built first impressions because we are naturally visual oriented creatures. What we see on the images it's speak louder than words, based on statistic proved that 93% of consumers consider visual appearance to be key deciding factor in a purchasing decision.

"The camera sees more than the eye, so why not make sure of it?" – Edward Weston

Reach More Audience by Post Social Media

When your audience can see an accompanying photo with your content, they're much more likely to quickly respond or take action before moving on to something else. Adding images to your social media posts is a must-do if you're looking for better overall engagement and response your product. In a general survey of over 250 consumers, 70% said they watched Facebook Stories more often than Instagram or Snapchat Stories. (HubSpot) The social network already provides strong marketing opportunities for local businesses, it might also be a great place for smaller businesses to post Stories. With this photo stories, local business can show off of location, product & testimonials of local customers that benefited from their product or service.

The best way to understand your product goals photo. As a general rule, any photography business is better off by having a clear stylistic and thematic focus. In the case of commercial photography, this doesn't necessarily mean we have to shoot the same thing all the time.

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